Tuesday, January 3, 2012

More or Less

The new year has begun. The dawn of new hopes, dreams, challenges and inspirations. I feel inspired for taking on 2012 . I hope everybody is feeling the same way. I made no real resolutions this year..at least I hope making none will help me breaking none. I have 12 desires for this 12th year in the new millennium. First of all I want to focus on leaving behind a good legacy for this year when I am ready to walk into the next year. I would hope to make this year fruitful both at work and otherwise. I want to hope for a desirable spiritual growth. Adding a little fun to my life would help relieve some monotony I have gotten into. I would like to do some travelling and see some places I have wanted to in a long time. I want to try and beat the urge to be negative and be positive always..now I know it’s a vicious trap to do something positive all the time but there is nothing you cannot do if you try enough.
I spent my New Year’s eve with some awesome new friends. It was a good trip with the family and a great first step into the new year. Some things I want to do more or less .
Talk Less and listen More
Give More and take Less
Inspire More and desire Less
Have More gratitude and don’t be thank-Less
Participate More and rebel Less
Perspective is everything. Make a difference to yourself and the others around you. I have had incredible people in my life. In all senses of humor some have been great examples and some served as good warnings, some were constant like family and some friends and some come and go. Nevertheless they all taught me a little something to get me to where I am now. So I have to express gratitude to every one of them to make me what I am now. Good or bad we are all here for a reason and putting things into perspective for ourselves help us be better individuals of the society.
I hope to have a good ride in 2012 with some little BIG lessons to be learnt to make a better ME for the next year to come.
2011 was great and I look forward to a greater journey in 2012 with my constant family and my new friends.
Cheers and stay INSPIRED !

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