Monday, January 16, 2012

Be your own one day ONE-der

Be your own ONE day ONE-der !
How many of us strive to be perfect ? I know I am obsessive about somethings .I like all laundry put away,no dishes in the sink overnight and the counters have to be clean. Over the years I have learnt that it’s a losing battle to be perfect. I have to be strive to be excellent in what I am doing. The reason is no two moments in life are the same. We change with what we learn every moment. We spend all our life from birth to death as constant students. We learn lessons through every passing moment in life .Some life lessons stick to us quickly and some require retakes. Like I said its hard to be perfect. If we were we would have different lessons every moment. But we land in similar situations several times and find ourselves learning the same lessons over.
We learn some lessons as children and some of those are lost with our innocence. It makes a good case to say retain as much of your childhood as possible.Keep your memories good and bad. The good ones will cheer you when you are low and forlorn and the bad ones will teach us what to avoid when we are in similar cross roads.
Whether it’s a tough day at work , or bad traffic think of everything as a valuable lesson we learn at the end of the day. If you have to run 6 loads of laundry in a day or cook for a week in a couple of hours or juggle conflicting schedules with your kids and your priorities. You will learn something extremely valuable at the end of it to share with someone in a similar situation some day. Every thing that happens in our life makes us one bit more wiser.
At the end of the day,its important to feel like you achieved a complete day without falling apart .Somedays are brilliant and some days are cloudy. Persist through it and learn that tomorrow will be another day and we will see new things and learn new lessons when the sun dawns in the morning. Its important to feel that you are the most important person for yourself. You hang in there and you can make it through another bad day ,another rough storm before you see the rainbow. Be your one day WONDER .Feel accomplished everyday even if its getting 6 loads of laundry done and put away or fighting out a deadline or chauffeuring the kids. We all have to fight individual battles but we all are own one-ders because nobody else can be better at being YOU !!

Feel inspired everyday for tomorrow is always yours to do better.

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