Thursday, June 26, 2008

Parenting Paradox

I have been a parent for 5 years now and I can rightfully say I am still learning.Its amazing how our kids think we are people who know everything and we think we are still learning.Our kids grow up too far away from home and we are the only people they look up to ,my husband and me.We sometimes feel the pressure and we have to constantly be watchful of how we say things and what we do because we are being watched all the time.
Kids are very observant. When you think they don't notice somethings they can totally stump you.My daughter is one of those classic cases of selective hearing. She tends to hear what she likes and the rest of it just flies right under her nose.But she made us realise how amazingly observant kids could be and how powerful their memory is.She can recollect promises we made weeks ago and ofcourse in our packed life ,we let it slip. She waits patiently when the time is right and lets us know that we did break a promise and so now we have to do something better than that.They are political .. kids.They learn so young. They know how to play the cards perfectly.
In our last parent teacher conference her teacher said she had an amazing memory. We moved her from her old school to the new school in the middle of the school year so we thought she would struggle. But she caught up amazingly fast and picked up on some of the curriculum she had never been introduced to.The new school has an interesting class in sign language. She had managed to pick up all the 200 signs perfectly in a matter of 3 months. Wow.... signs,thats amazing I thought. Now I see her in a whole new perspective. She has something I don't .. memory.So, we better watch out what we say to her.A new respect I would say.
A couple of years ago we started out with our daughter thinking we are the two people who knew everything in the world now we think our daughter knows so many things we don't.Amazing how things turn out. I think the process of learning is so wonderful .
As parents we want the best for our children.As a team we concentrate on different things.He teaches them what he knows the best and I teach them what I know the best.Its important to thrive as a team as parents , so we can always count on the other person to take on tasks you may not be very good at. My daughter's classic phrase is "Mommy knows a lot but daddy knows everything" . I think its wonderful if we can count on our children to be our teachers when we grow up.
Parenting is showering care,guidance and love to our kids and in the process we learn so much more everyday from them.The fact is life goes around in a circle,so if we put in the best effort now we will be able to see wonderful people in the future.

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