Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Destiny Guru ..Who is it?

Ever wondered about who drives our destiny. I think its probably one of the oldest discussions man has had. It was one of the foundation stones for Theism and Atheism.Some believe we drive our own destiny and some believe in their stars and a bigger force guiding theirs.Who is right?? I would say both.For those who say I am driving my own destiny as long as they retain their self confidence and not cross their line to be over confident they are still their own masters.When over confidence takes over then we are bound to fall because we may lose rationality in our thinking.
For those who believe that there is a bigger force , they are still their own masters but secretly are holding on to a faith that stops them from losing their modesty and still maintain their self confidence. Since they believe they are going to be protected all the time they are still confident and yet not over confident.
The bottom line is we all drive our destiny. We get what we work for.Recently I saw an interesting movie "Dasavatharam". Besides the versatality of Kamal Hasan where he has acted as ten different people I think the movie pretty much tells us that destiny is driven by us.It starts in the 13 th century Chola dynasty with Rangarajan Nambi and ends with Govind Ramaswamy in the beach front with the Tsunami.The link being the Vishnu statue sunk with Rangarajan centuries ago shifted the epicentre and caused the Tsunami to avoid the entire population being wiped out by the bio weapon.It was not a very strong screenplay and at any given moment I can give atleast a handful facts that were not true but yet the message was subtle and interesting.
We can all drive our own destinies if we have the desire.God helps only those who have a desire.

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