Monday, August 6, 2012

Mind, Manage and find Meaning in your Madness

Alright !! If anybody says ,you are not in a state of chaos ,then there is something fundamentally wrong with how your life is going  . Being a working mom with two kids, dogs, fishes, PTA ,piano tennis, homework etc my life is in a perpetual chaos is an understatement. But I believe I am normal. I love that I am in this phase of life or I am telling myself I have to. The kids will grow out of this phase pretty quickly and I will have nothing to do. Nobody to chauffer around,no battles to choose and no wars to win against the traffic. Life as I know it may become boring .
Even though I complain about the chaos in my life ,I am not sure I will know how to deal with not having it. But its so easy with infinite options to create busyness in today’s world. If I had to quit my job ,what would I do? That’s 8+ hours of my day .But I am sure I will be able to fill it up with busyness within no time. Life will still be filled with chaos and madness. Life as I know it will still be the same.
I think the challenge to manage everything possible in a 24 hour schedule , becomes so important. Let us admit, busyness makes you feel important. But no matter how important your job is ,it is highly unlikely you can create something world class working beyond a normal workday .It is a normal cliché’ to work smarter and not harder. Yet ,sometimes it becomes important to have work drive our lives in the corporate madness. Nobody pays us enough not to have a life. Anything beyond a normal day of work, only creates the illusion of busyness not business.
There are few moments in life that add meaning , they should not be replaced for anything that can wait for the next day for our attention. So kill the busyness in your life by setting priorities, listening to yourself, disconnecting ,track your actions, being idle ,motivating yourself and enjoying what you have.

Learn to Mind ,Manage and find meaning in your daily madness. You can’t escape it but it definitely makes it easy to live with it with no illusion of busyness.